At Fellowship Bible Church, we are about making disciples who live by God’s grace and for His glory at home and across the world.

About Fellowship

Let Grace transform your life

Fellowship Bible Church is located in Central Arkansas. We are one church in six locations, united by vision and teaching.

No matter where you are in life, we look forward to meeting you and helping you find opportunities to connect and grow in your faith. We have a place for everyone who desires to build relationships, grow spiritually, and live on mission.

Taking Steps Together…

At Fellowship we’re all heading in the same direction – but each of us is at a unique place in the journey. So whatever the next step is for you – take it!

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Current Message Series

Walk Wisely

As we continue to make much of God this year as a church family, one of the things we want to make much of is HIs wisdom. There are so many voices out there trying to get our attention to tell us the “best” way to do different things. We’re excited to spend some time together this summer looking at different Proverbs that help us realize what God thinks is “best” in different situations. God has seen it all from the beginning of time and is the best Person to show us what actually “works” over the long haul in our lives.

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